Hybrid class 

6 hours online and 6 hours Hands-On.  

The hands-on will be held 

July 30, 2023


11201 Richmond Avenue A100-B

Houston TX. 77082


The online portion of each class focuses on theory related to the subject matter such as anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, and pathology. During the live class, we will focus on the technique needed to learn the subject matter hands-on.

The student must complete the online portion of the course before the hands-on portion of the class.  

Course Description: This course emphasizes the understanding of the specific application of massage techniques, hydrotherapy, range of motion, and strength training principles on athletes to achieve a specific goal.  


Prerequisites: Massage therapy knowledge


  • The student will be able to list the importance of conducting an intake to determent goal of the massage. 

  • The student will be able to list the four key principles of the sports massage. 

  • The student will be able to identify the Timing & Intent of the sports massage. 

  • The student will be able to perform Pre-event, Post event and Performance massage principles and application. 

  • The student will be able to list the different stages of muscle injury and muscle soreness (DOMS).  

  • The student will be able to list the importance of muscle balance.    

Objective Outcome  

  • Students will demonstrate proficiency in Pre-event, Post event and performance massage.  

Course Curriculum

    1. Class intro

    1. Introduccion

    2. Definition of Sport Massage

    3. Intake

    4. Key Principles

    5. Timing & Intent

    6. Ch. 1 Review

    7. Ch1 Quiz

    1. Reflex and Mechanical Effect

    2. Techniques used in sports massage

    3. Ch. 2 Quiz

    1. Ch. 3 Applying Principles

    2. Pre-event massag

    3. Post-event Massage

    4. Performance Massage

    5. Ch. 3 Quiz

    1. Circulation & Muscle Tightness

    2. Muscle Problems

    3. Strains

    4. Spasm and Cramps

    5. Injuries and Scar tissue

    6. Ch. 4 Review

    7. Ch. 4 Quiz

    1. Cold Applications (Cryotherapy)

    2. Heat application (Thermotherapy)

    3. Physiological Effects of Heat and Cold

    4. Ice Massage

    5. Ch. 5 Quiz

About this course

  • $300.00
  • 39 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content